Regular supervision with a qualified supervisor is recommended for most professions who practice clinically. For those who are accredited or working towards accreditation via bodies such as the British Psychological Society or the British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, regular supervision is mandatory.
I supervise staff from a variety of backgrounds working to promote positive change with various client groups. I am an Associate of the Oxford Cogntive Therapy Centre ( where I provide teaching supervision on some of their specialist CBT post graduate courses. I maintain my own knowledge and skills by regularly attending workshops and reading literature about the practice and provision of clinical supervision, as well as participating in my own regular supervision.
I offer supervision to students and practitioners of CBT from a variety of backgrounds. Supervision methods include listening and providing constructive feedback on your work - via case discussion or using video and audio recordings, experiential learning and role play, and the use of formal rating scales as you require.
Please make contact with me if you are interested in supervision.