Tracy Avis  Associates CBT

Independent Psychotherapy and CBT Practice


Phone: 07792524591

Ptolemy House, Reading Road, Wallingford OX10 9DN

Tracy Avis and Associates

Cognitive Psychotherapy and CBT Specialists

Providing Professional Psychological Services

Welcome to my website where I’ve put together some information for you to consider that will hopefully help you with your decision about undertaking therapy.  I'd like to give you an idea about the way I work and what to expect if you decide to start therapy with me, and also to introduce you to the Associates I work with. 

I have been lucky enough to have trained with, supervised or worked alongside all of the Associates on my pages. Over the years I've known them, I've been able to get a clear idea of the way they work and what their special interests and areas of expertise are.

I hope that this information will reassure you that when you make contact,  I will be able to offer you an intial assessment myself or signpost you, with confidence, to one of my colleagues.

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